Great Works

Audio link. I had the blessing of walking the Virginia Tech campus this week. I got up early to walk and listen to my “Pray as You Go” meditation app. After a troubled night’s sleep, the sunrise and the walk did my soul well. The question posed was, “What great works is God calling you…

Moments in moments

(Link to the audio version.) Sometimes, life can get so big that your moments are unnoticeable. I’m not going to talk about how busy we are because that is a given, and somehow, we say it so much it has become our mantra. When we have various roles, and maybe some of those roles have…

1st Annual Wisteria Festival

This year, we had a bumper crop of Wisteria on the pergola. We purchased the Wisteria about 19 years ago and replanted it when we completed renovations. The replanting challenged its growth; some years brought more blooms than others. This year, we started an annual festival to celebrate nature, God’s world, and our home. Parish…

Come Have Breakfast

(Audio reading of the poem on Purposeful Pauses) Come have breakfast with me Although you are busy and filled with grief Come have breakfast with me Spring forth, leap and see You find yourself in a tangled mire I have prepared the coals and the fire You did not notice me right away It takes…

Your Joy May Be Complete

“What is joy?” is a question that inspires us to seek its true meaning. On Saturday, March 30, my grandson had his 4th birthday party at our home. All the planning, games, and little ones running around brought connection and joy. That night, we decided to watch “The Gospel of John.” The movie displays the…

If loving only gave us the beautiful

I have not been writing on my blog lately due to other writing goals outside WordPress. It is a year-long project, and I’m enjoying my time learning and writing. It has been months of connections and unbelievable God moments. Love does that. I got a message from my oldest daughter that she had stopped for…

As a mother comforts

My oldest daughter recently had her third child, Huxley Charles Lamb. He was born on 1-23-24 at 4:44; her hospital room number was 444 at St. Francis Medical Center. Coinciding with this event, I decided to be involved in an online virtual session on the book of I Thessalonians. The first and second chapters made…

A way to journal

My daughter gave me a prayer journal written by Shannon Roberts for Christmas. I decided to share her resource and the template for journaling. A verse is shared to focus on: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” James…

Good News!

Good news! This expression is familiar to us. How often have you heard, “Well, I have good news and bad news. What would you like to hear first?” The other night, we celebrated my granddaughter’s birthday at our house and decided to order pizza for everyone. My text said, “Good news! Your pizza order is…

Thanksgiving 2023

I traditionally write about our holidays and the Hebb get-a-way in the Fall to keep the memories alive and record recipes, happenings, and the children. Another fantastic Thanksgiving! We had Thanksgiving lunch earlier this year. We served lunch at 11:00. Parish, and I did a lot of prep work starting on Tuesday, and he got…